Award Winning Ave María Oranges
This week’s featured product is the award winning, beautifully bitter oranges from the Ave María farm in Seville!
About Ave María
The Ave María farm is widely considered to be one of, if not the best supplier of bitter oranges in the world for two fundamental reasons: because of the composition of the soil, which provides a special sweetness to the orange, and because of the organic cultivation, which preserves the aroma and purity of the fruit. Keeping up the tradition, Ave María is currently run by three women who are passionate in looking after all of the details of their precious orchard.
Photo: Ave María farm
What do I do with them?Photo: 'The Bitter End' Kinfolk magazine
It’s time to seize the short Seville season and get marmalade-making! Indeed, one of our customers ‘Galore!’ won world’s best marmalade at the annual world marmalade championships this year no less!
If you’re looking for some more inspiration, check out this quick & easy recipe for the 'Ultimate Seville Orange Marmalade' on BBC Good Food. We also love the beautiful photo essay ‘The Bitter End’ all about the ‘maddening pursuit’ of marmalade-making in issue 13 of Kinfolk magazine, subscribers can also read online here.Photo: 'The Bitter End' Kinfolk magazine
This season, not only have the bitter ‘Sevilles' come on a bit earlier but we should soon also have their beautifully sweet ‘Navelina' oranges available too - so pop in and get yours soon from our wholefoods store and fruit & vegetable merchant.