Free Organic Breakfasts With Roots & Fruits

Take a look at the Roots & Fruits kitchen's new Cakes to Order menu, featuring a delicious selection baked goods including some of our speciality vegan and gluten free cakes, tarts & tray bakes.
We're delighted to now be stocking Mheat in our wholefoods and organics store. Mheat is Paisley Glasgow based food company Sgaia's new plant-based, vegan, meat replacement that's quickly gaining a fantastic reputation.
Hilary and Alberto from Sgai describe themselves as enthusiastic explorers, dedicated learners, avid listeners and happy herbivores. They are passionate about food culture, nutrition, health and learning about the cultural significance of food in relation to current social systems and environments.
"Here at Sgaia we strongly believe in making plant-based lifestyles and dietary choices equal to those of omnivores. Plant-based living is often seen as a 'giving-up' on food culture, in order to embrace another. We believe that a change in lifestyle shouldn't necessarily mean a change in what we identify with in terms of food culture, nor should it involve being forced to purchase expensive, imported foods. This is why we're proud to be an entirely UK based company, striving to get us all surfing on this New Wave of British Vegan Living."
We just recently started stocking some of their tasty vegan Mheat products.
"Mheat is our own take on a very popular, originally asian food, seitan. Seitan (say-tan) is, essentially, a food made with the protein extracted from wheat flour: gluten. Wheat gluten, as a food product, originated in China sometime around the 6th Century, and was especially popular as a substitute for meat amongst buddhists. Lovingly hand-made by us as per the traditional method, with a few little tweaks here and there, our unique recipe is flavourful, high in protein, low in fat, and features all the knowledge we’ve developed overtime in our little kitchen."
We're very excited about this young, local company and can't wait to see what they produce next and we look forward to continuing to stock our shelves with their wonderful products for all of our vegan customers to enjoy.
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